Paintings of artist Sergey Amirt of St. Petersburg
About Segey Amirt:
Sergey Amirt (real surname Scheglov) - one of the actual painters of Saint-Petersburg. Sphere of creation of Sergey - momentary graphics rough sketch,
coloured graphic by pastel, sculpture and photo.
Marine topic, city life, portraits are beloved themes of Amirt. But which topic wasn't be selected for
self-expression, in it there are invariably peace, friendship, love and lyrics beauty.
Amirt declares: "Beauty is the most all-powerful divinity, but also it is vulnerable, that is why let's save and affirm it!"
Amirt finished artistic academic school name of N.K. Rerikh for sculptor-graphic. In the actual time he is in
his fourth years at the Saint-Petersburg's state University of culture and arts, learn managment of social and cultural activity.
He was exhibited at Palaces of Culture of Moscow and Saint-Petersburg, Smolniy Palace of Saint-Petersburg.
For your regard some works by this painter.
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